According to data from the 2021 Canadian Census, trans and non-binary people make up 0.33 percent of the over-16 Canadian population. Using non-probability data from the UK, it has been estimated that 0.6% of the adult population is trans or non-binary. Using the best information we have, it is clear that the trans and non-binary populations are small. However trans people are often seen as threats and are talked about over and over again in political discussions in the UK.
We can observe that the younger generation is more likely to be trans and non-binary than the older generation due to their open-mindedness and exposure to a wide range of knowledge. As a result, the total population estimate is likely to fluctuate over time. |
Generation Z was born during the Internet era, and millennials came of age as the Internet transformed the way we gather and process information. People, especially the younger generation, may be more aware of the differences between men and women because of the Internet.
There is no evidence shown to support the notion that trans and non-binary identities are socially contagious and epidemic among youth. The Canadian Community Health Survey, on the other hand, shows that the number of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people is slowly and steadily growing.